"We hold these truths to be self- evident,
that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Can you imagine the excitement in the air on July 8, 1776, when our newly formed country celebrated the signing of the "Declaration of Independence", on July 4, 1776?! It really must have been something to witness! The church bells all over town were ringing, canons and guns were being fired into the air, people were singing and hugging in the streets. But, it wouldn't be until 1783 that Great Britain would recognized the United States as an independent nation. The Revolutionary War lasted 8 long years (1775-1783). The American military death toll was around 25,000 men, with an additional estimated 25,000 men that had been wounded or seriously injured.
So please, when your eating your hot dog and shooting off your fireworks - take a moment to remember those who fought for your Independence and the freedom that we enjoy today. And all those who have fought since.
Celebrate Freedom!
Early 1900's - July 4th Celebration - Hildreth, Nebraska.
The car pictured here belonged to my great grandfather, Rolf Habben, and was decorated for the fourth of July parade. I'm sure his daughters played a big part in all the decorations - I don't think they missed a spot to decorate! It must have been a great day, with everyone gathering in town. If you look in the background of the photograph you can see the big tent and picnic tables. I'm sure all the wives were busy cooking that day.
(photograph is privately held - do not copy without permission)