I'm so excited about this years Family History Expo. I'm counting down the days now and making my usual lists of things I need to do before I take off for Loveland. I need to get the oil changed in my car and I wonder if maybe I should signed up for AAA Insurance. Ok, it's not like Loveland is really that far from home, 50 miles at the most but, there is always those “what if's” that run through my head. Let's see now don't want to forget the charger for my cell phone. Oh, and I don't want to forget to download a few programs onto my laptop so I can share some photo's. Oh and that reminds me need to make sure I have plenty of AA batteries. And then I need to...........
I'm finding it difficult to choose which classes I will attend, especially since I'd like to take them all. It would be awesome if they were all video taped for study later. Hmm maybe that would be a good thing for a “suggestion box.” I may just have to get out my quarters and do some coin tossing on this decision. Ha ha! Take a look at the classes available just in the first hour of June 25th and you will see why I'm having a difficult time.
Class – June 25th – 10:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M.
Help! Where Do I Start? -
Christine Sharbrough, CG
Naming Patterns of
American Families – Arlene H. Eakle, Ph.D
Genealogical Resource
of the National Archives at Denver –
Rick Martinez
Facebook for Genealogists –
Thomas MacEntee
Everything You Wanted to Know
about Footnote.com –
Gordon Atkinson
Family Tree Maker 2010 Basics –
Robert A. Larson
Powerful Tips and Tricks for
Family Search Record Search –
Blair Keddington
Ask-the-Pros Series –
Looking after the poor:
Finding your Ancestors in
New England Poverty Records –
Marian Pierre-Louis
Can you see my dilemma? Every single class sounds fabulous! This is worse than choosing between apple pie or a chocolate eclair. Oh my! Nineteen days and counting. Learn which classes I chose as I report on the days events starting June 25th.
Terri, I've changed my mind several times on classes I want to take too! One thing I learned from last year...bring a computer case ON WHEELS. I need to write about the Expo today too. See ya there!
ReplyDeleteTerri - it is a dilemma - and note that you don't see my name there as a presenter for the first hour. That's because Miss Holly who is the fantastic organizer of the Family History Expos respects the fact that I need my beauty sleep and I don't do well as the first presenter of the day!
ReplyDeleteSee you in Colorado!