13. 12. 11. 10 More days left in my countdown to the Colorado Family History Expo! It seemed like it would never get here and now the time is zooming by me. I took Becky Jamison's (from Grace and Glory) advice and purchased a laptop case/mobile office with wheels and I've been loading it up. I can even fit my camera in it which eliminates one thing to have to carry. I'm still having a difficult time deciding on which classes I'm taking. Out of the 78 classes being offered I know three I'm taking that I'm sure will impact my research. Of course you will have to check my blog to find out which classes those were and how they have added to my “larn'n”.
I probably won't sleep a wink Thursday night because I don't want to miss Beau Sharbrough's, Keynote Address at 8:00a.m., titled “Let Your Light Shine!” I love that title and can't wait to hear what Beau has to say. There's also going to be a “Meet-Up” in the bloggers lounge of fellow Geneabloggers on June 25th at 9:00am. Can't wait to finally meet some of the people who write such wonderful stories about their families. You'll be able to spot me pretty easily, I'll be the one grinning from ear to ear and looking like a kid in a candy store. Of course the Exhibit Hall Grand Opening is at the same time so I may have to pop in there to quickly peruse the goodies.
After the conference is over, I'm heading east to Sidney, Nebraska to do some research at the court house. My great-great-great uncle, Rolf Habben homesteaded in the area in the late 1800's. His daughter and her husband, Fred and Tena (Habben) Nelk also had a homestead somewhere near Sidney. We have the homestead papers for Rolf but not for Fred and Tena. My hope is that if I can locate where their farm was that I can determine which Church they may have belonged to. Since Nebraska didn't keep records on births and deaths until 1904, I must find the Church in order to get the birth records of three of their children. Uh-oh, I may have given a clue as to two of the classes I'll be attending.
If you haven't signed up for the Colorado Family History Expo yet there's still plenty of time and of course you can always sign up at the door. Hope to see you there!
Have a wonderful time Terri, wish I could be there. It's so much fun getting together with everyone. I look forward to hearing all about it.